Glexim provides foreign trade consultancy service to many manufacturers located in Turkey. In scope of this consultancy, Glexim enables companies to have information about foreign markets, select the appropriate target market for their products and promote their products in these markets. We enable them to establish long-term cooperation with local companies through dealership agreements and become a player in foreign markets.
As a part of consultancy, our expert team aims to increase the Sales and manufaturing capacity of our partner by providing solutions such as government supports, Eximbank insurance and credit terms, exhibition participations.
In addition, as Glexim, the consultancy service is providing to the necessary information and market research for sales, marketing and production activities for foreign investors in Turkey. The consultancy service includes analyzing the competitors in the market, determining sales channels and establishing a dealership network Besides the establishment of manufacturing facility in Turkey.
We provide all nececsasary information and actions before and during the establishment of a production facility by providing an analysis report about the fisibilty and government supports and execute all documentation and construction works as a package according to needs of foreign investors.